Timezone lookup using latitude and longitud (part 2)

fastapi test project.

For the fastapi project we are going to use Sqlalchemy and postgresql taking some reference from the fastapi documentation. # create a virtualenv, with any tool: poetry, pipenv, virtualenv module, etc pip install fastapi uvicorn aiofiles SQLAlchemy psycopg2-binary project structure . ├── Dockerfile ├── LICENSE ├── main.py ├── README.md ├── requirements.txt └── timezone_utils ├── database.py ├── __init__.py ├── models.py ├── schemas.py └── utils.py 1 directory, 10 files we define the models, schemas and engine for sqlalchemy and the api in the package timezone_utils [Read More]

Timezone lookup using latitude and longitude (part 1)

fastapi test project.

First timezones are evil, but sometimes you need to work with them. Sometimes is easy to consume some third party api to get timezone information based on a given location using geocoding but there also exists some alternatives. Then inspired on this blog post and the project Timezone boundary builder decided to create a test project using fastapi and postgis to do the timezone lookup using the latitude and longitude. [Read More]

Flask logging setup

dictConfig, user defined object

Setup a python logging configuration with dictConfig Logging configuration can be defined on different ways like a dict, ini file, yaml or json somethimes is more flexible to do it on code with python, all depends on the use case. This small example show how to setup the logging configuration using dictConfig method and how to add an user defined object to the logging filter. import os import logging import socket from flask import Flask from logging. [Read More]

Markdown Blog

blog with Hugo

There are many reasons and options to choose a static site generator, but the main reasons are speed and security. Speed because it can allow more control over the content you only load what is really required without additional server side content, for security not having a database that can be compromised and security updates to apply, reduce the attack vectors and the administration work. There are many options for static site generators created on diferent languages like: [Read More]
linux  git  shell  go  markdown  hugo  python 

Checking and validating phone numbers


In applications sometimes is needed check and verify if a phone number is valid or possible if the number have all required digits to be valid for this purpose there are several options to tackle the problem like regular expressions for example to validate E.164 format, library like the Google libphonenumber and API like the Twillio Lookup for something more complete. for this post i created a small app for test a demo purpose using the python port of the Google library [Read More]